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It seems virus writers are yet to give up on developing on different kinds of unpleasantness to frustrate android users who are fond of downloading adult-rated android application and anti-virus application from third-party stores as well as Google playstore onto their devices.

 A Trojan horse or Trojan is another kind of malware usually disguised as legitimate software. Hackers use trojans to gain access to users’ systems.

Unlike other trojans, this particular one is programmed to overheat your device as a result of the prolonged operation of the processor at maximum load. In addition, it can turn your phone into a zombie and hijack it to use in DDoS attacks against Web resources as well as sign up users to paid services secretly.


Users attract the Loapi Trojan by clicking on an ad banner or by downloading a fake AV or adult-content app . As stated earlier,  fake av or adult-content app are common vehicles used by Loapi to gain access to user’s devices.

After installation of fake apps, Loapi asks for administrator rights . Notification to grant Loapi administrator right appears on the user’s device screen until the user finally accepts Loapi administrator demands.

If the user later tries to deny Loapi of administrator rights, it locks the screen and closes the settings frame.

Furthermore, if the user tries to download apps to protect his device against malware and trojan, Loapi declares them to be malware and orders their removal.

Loapi heavily relies on frustrating users in order to prevent them from downloading legitimate anti-virus apps to wipe out other similar trojans.


  •     Deactivate installation of apps from unknown sources. In Settings go to Security and ensure that the Unknown sources checkbox is not selected.
  • Get a reliable and proven AV for Android and regularly scan your device with it because Google playstore is safe too. Doing so adds another layer of security.




Taxi Trojans are on the way: Beware of Banking Apps

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The Faketoken Trojan has existed for a long time, and it has been upgraded for many years. Our experts named the current version “Faketoken.q,” and by now it has learned a significant number of tricks.
After getting onto a smartphone (judging by the malware icon, Faketoken infiltrates smartphones through bulk SMS messages with a prompt to download some picture) and installing the necessary modules, the Trojan hides its shortcut icon and starts background monitoring of everything that happens in the system.
First, the Trojan is interested in the user’s calls. As soon as it detects a call, it starts recording. When the call is finished, Faketoken sends the recording to the criminal’s server. Second, the Trojan also checks which apps the smartphone’s owner uses.
When Faketoken detects the launch of an app whose interface it can simulate, the Trojan immediately overlays the app with its own screen. To achieve that, it uses a standard Android feature that supports showing screen overlays on top of all other apps. A whole bunch of legitimate apps, such as messengers, window managers, and so on, use this feature.
Actually, Faketoken.q is after a huge variety of apps that have one thing in common: in them, a request to enter payment data looks normal enough not to arouse suspicion. Among the attacked apps are a number of mobile banking apps, Android Pay, the Google Play Store, apps for booking flights and hotel rooms, and apps for paying traffic tickets — as well as apps for booking taxis.
Below you can find several pieces of advice on how to protect yourself against Faketoken and similar mobile Trojans that steal card numbers and intercept SMS messages with one-time passwords used to confirm payments.
  • It is imperative that you go into Android’s settings and prohibit the installation of apps from unknown sources. To block installation from unknown sources, go to Settings -> Security and uncheck Unknown sources.
  •         Always pay attention to what access permissions an app requests during installation, even if you downloaded it from Google Play (there might be Trojans in the official app store as well).
  •        It is a good idea to protect your smartphone by installing antivirus, which can find infections hiding in an app such as basic Kaspersky Internet Security for Android,  

source: Kaspersky Lab.

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