Knowing what the future holds for you or your organisation allows you to make specific preparations for challenges ahead. In cybersecurity, threats seem to evolve every year. For instance, the year 2017 witnessed a series of ransomware such as wannacry and NotPetya.
The most devastating among them is wannacry. Wannacry relied on EternalBlue to affect thousands of corporate servers with vulnerable Microsoft’s Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
As we gradually usher ourselves into a new year, companies have strong ambitions to improve and secure data infrastucture from automated ransomware and the likes. On the flip side, cybercriminals are in the business of developing advance and subtle forms of attacks to overcome your firewalls, DNSSEC, and other security perimeters on your network.
Our security engineers researched and analyzed two major potential threats companies and even start-ups might encounter in 2018. Some of these threats might come to pass due to certain changes developers and security engineers aim to implement to minimize cybercrime.
Stay alert and fix any vulnerable spots before the year 2018 arrives!!!
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