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Cyber is the characteristic of the culture of computer, information technology and virtual reality. Without Security, the information technology and virtual reality cannot exist.
Cybersecurity has taken the world by storm. Though it has been in existence for years, some parts of the world are now experiencing the heat that comes with cyber attacks and needs to put security in place to protect vital information.  

What is Cybersecurity?

It is the protection of network, computers, programs and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access through processes and best practices. 

Security includes both cybersecurity and physical security. Best practices and processes should not be the daily norms of a company which is coming to work on time and achieving goals for the day, week, month or yearly.

For security professionals, the threat landscape is becoming unwieldy. What strategies can they use to gain control?

Security professionals have a laundry list of to-do in an increasingly sophisticated threat environment. Bots and Ransomware on rampage, new devices to protect and the insider threats and leaks. Protecting your business is more than a full-time job.

Business will come crumpling down if proper processes and best practices are not put in place to safeguard datum or data. The old ways of securing network perimeter has to stop and a modern lens of cybersecurity should be put on.

Solid threat intelligence plans to smoke out the risk around mobile and IoT connected devices as well as securing cloud base files and apps should be giving maximum security.

Research by a 2016 Ponemon Institute survey reveals nearly 400 respondents, and companies indicated that data breach could cost an enterprise $4 million a year.

The same study indicated attacks have become 29% more costly since 2013. “With security professionals having all kinds of assets outside firewall: clouds, mobile and remote workers, traditional perimeter-based security alone won’t cut it anymore.” says Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder and chief technology officer at CrowdStrike Inc.

Security as we know is not 100% but if the attackers are apt, security professionals should not make it easy for their systems to be breached by the attacker.  

Jerry Amarteifio, System Security Engineer

