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This year the infosec industry has witnessed series of ransomware such as Petya and Wannacry. This class of ransomware really affected corporate companies with unpatched systems. Companies spent billions to resolve affected systems. However, there is another ransomware known as Bad Rabbit, affecting those who are fond of visiting phished websites  packed with fake adobe flash installer as well as those who have downloaded fake adobe flash installers on infected websites from attackers behind Bad Rabbit.

Unlike Petya and Wannacry, Bad Rabbit does not rely on vulnerabilites to affect victims. Instead it relies on victims inability to determine whether the adobe flash installer is a legitimate one or a phished one. Thus, Bad Rabbit method of attacking victims is not quite complex as compared to Petya and Wannacry.

The criminals behind the Bad Rabbit attack are demanding 0.05 bitcoin as ransom from affected websites, companies and users of adobe flash. 0.05 bitcoin is $280 at the current exchange rate.

But it is possible to avoid Bad Rabbit.  We have gathered three tried and tested ways to help companies, owners of websites, users of adobe flash to escape the Bad Rabbit Infection.


                                                   THREE WAYS TO AVOID PAYING $280     

  • Back up your data. And back it up well.
  • For companies with wider network, turn off your WMI services to prevent malware from spreading.
  • Block the execution of files c:\windows\infpub.dat and c:\Windows\cscc.dat
  • Finally, don’t pay the ransom if you have applied the above three solutions.

